The New Neuroscience of Psychotherapy
The Yoga of Creative Consciousness and Cognition in Neuropsychotherapy Part 2
Kathryn Lane Rossi
The Yoga of Creative Consciousness and Cognition in Neuropsychotherapy Part 1
Kathryn Lane Rossi
A Dream of Creative Menopause
A New Neuroscience of Brief
Psychotherapy for Solving Puzzles of
Biology and Psychology (2010)
Kathryn Rossi
The Bioinformatics of Integrative Medical Insights: Proposals
for an International PsychoSocial and Cultural
Bioinformatics Project (2006)
Ernest Rossi, Kathryn Rossi, Garret Yount, Mauro Cozzolino
and Salvatore Iannotti
A Pilot Study of Positive Expectations
and Focused Attention via a New
Protocol for Optimizing Therapeutic
Hypnosis and Psychotherapy Assessed
with DNA Microarrays: The Creative
Psychosocial Genomic Healing Experience (2008)
Ernest Rossi, Salvatore Iannotti, Mauro Cozzolino, Stefano Castiglione,
Angela Cicatelli, Kathryn Rossi
A New Bioinformatics Paradigm for the Theory, Research, and
Practice of Therapeutic Hypnosis (2010)
David Atkinson, Salvatore Iannotti, Mauro Cozzolino, Stefano Castiglione, Angela Cicatelli, Bhaskar Vyas, Jane Mortimer, Richard Hill, Erika Chovanec, Alessia Chiamberlando, Jorge Cuadros, Claude Virot, Michel Kerouac, Thierry Kallfass, Stanley Krippner, Claire Frederick, Bruce Gregory, Michael Shaffran , Margaret Bullock, Ella Soleimany, April Rossi, Kathryn Rossi, Ernest Rossi
Protocol: The Creative Psychosocial Genomic Healing Experience©: Administration, Rationale, & Research: An Open Invitation to Mind-Body Psychotherapy Clinical & Experimental Research (2010)
Ernest Rossi, David Atkinson, Jane Blake-Mortimer, Salvatore Iannotti, Mauro Cozzolino, Stefano Castiglione, Angela Cicatelli, Erika Chovanec, Richard Hill, Claude Virot, Bhaskar Vyas, Jorge Cuadros, Michel Kerouac, Thierry Kallfass, Helmut Milz, Claire Frederick, Bruce Gregory, Margaret Bullock, Ella Soleimany, April Rossi, Kathryn Rossi, & Stanley Krippner
Open Questions on Mind, Genes,
Consciousness, and Behavior: The Circadian
and Ultradian Rhythms of Art, Beauty,
and Truth in Creativity (2008)
Ernest Rossi and Kathryn Rossi
What is a Suggestion? The Neuroscience of Implicit Processing Heuristics in Therapeutic Hypnosis and Psychotherapy. (2007)
Ernest Rossi and Kathryn Rossi
How the Mind and the
Brain Co-Create Each
Other Daily: Mind-Brain-Gene Research on the Foundations
of Consciousness, Creativity, Imagination,
and Psychotherapy (2009)
Ernest Rossi and Kathryn Rossi
2008 Hillgard Award for best Theoretical Paper!
The Future Orientation of Constructive Memory: An Evolutionary Perspective on Therapeutic Hypnosis and Brief Psychotherapy. (2008)
Ernest Rossi, Roxanna Erickson Klien, and Kathryn Rossi
Expectations of hypnosis future: A new neuroscience school of therapeutic hypnosis, psychotherapy, and rehabilitation. (2007)
Ernest Rossi and Kathryn Rossi
The new neuroscience school of therapeutic hypnosis, psychotherapy, and rehabilitation. (2006)
Ernest Rossi and Kathryn Rossi
The Neuroscience of Observing Consciousness & Mirror Neurons in Therapeutic Hypnosis. (2006)
Ernest Rossi and Kathryn Rossi